About Us

Vision · Mission · Values

Site du Fort rouille Portes ouvertes SHT 2022

The Society offers lectures, tours and excursions to historical sites, holds exhibitions and workshops; and publishes brochures and visual materials. It also undertakes research projects.

The Société d’histoire de Toronto (SHT or « Society ») highlights the French presence in the Toronto area. It preserves all types of historical documents and encourages historical research.

Cover of The Founding of Toronto and the Francophone Presence from 1720 to date
A book written by Dan Brignoli, in the collection “Toronto se raconte”

The Société d’histoire de Toronto is affiliated with the Ontario Historical Society. It is a member of the Toronto Historical Association, the Réseau du patrimoine franco-ontarien (RPFO) and the Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario (AFO).

To get in touch with the Société d’histoire de Toronto, please visit our French Contact page (Nous-joindre).

Community Heritage Winner logo
In October 2014, the SHT received the Community Heritage Prize during the Heritage Toronto Awards gala.